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Log files

Visitor log

From Count version 2.6, some information about visitor can be logged if in count.cfg log_visitor_info is set to yes. Please look at the directory structure for the location of visitor log file. The visitor log file can be rotated with the option log_rotate_interval=seconds in the count.cfg file. For example if you want to rotate the visitor log file in every 30 days, the rotation interval will be 30*24*60*60 = 2592000. The rotating visitor log file names will be something like visitor. log_933120000, visitor.log_935712000. If you do not want to rotate log file, put log_rotate_interval=0. Logs are written only if the counter hits were saved successfully. Although server log file is there for these kind of things, I added this feature due to frequent request to do so.

Plese note, I'm playing around with log format, it might change. If you've any suggestion, please let me know.

Example of visitor log:

Time: Sun Sep 12 21:33:28 1999
Current Hits: 8289:
Browser:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)

Time: Sun Sep 12 21:42:18 1999
Host: <unknown>
Current Hits: 8290:
Browser:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)

Error log

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