REVOKE privilege [, ...] ON object [, ...] FROM { PUBLIC | GROUP ER">gBLE> | username }
The possible privileges are:
Privilege to access all of the columns of a specific table/view.
Privilege to insert data into all columns of a specific table.
Privilege to update all columns of a specific table.
Privilege to delete rows from a specific table.
Privilege to define rules on table/view. (See CREATE RULE).
Rescind all privileges.
The name of an object from which to revoke access. The possible objects are:
The name of a group from whom to revoke privileges.
The name of a user from whom revoke privileges. Use the PUBLIC keyword to specify all users.
Rescind the specified privilege(s) for all users.
REVOKE allows creator of an object to revoke permissions granted before, from all users (via PUBLIC) or a certain user or group.
Refer to psql \z command for further information about permissions on existing objects:
Database = lusitania +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Relation | Grant/Revoke Permissions | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | mytable | {"=rw","miriam=arwR","group todos=rw"} | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ Legend: uname=arwR -- privileges granted to a user group gname=arwR -- privileges granted to a GROUP =arwR -- privileges granted to PUBLIC r -- SELECT w -- UPDATE/DELETE a -- INSERT R -- RULE arwR -- ALL
Tip: Currently, to create a GROUP you have to insert data manually into table pg_group as:
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('todos'); CREATE USER miriam IN GROUP todos;
-- revoke insert privilege from all users on table films: -- REVOKE INSERT ON films FROM PUBLIC;
-- revoke all privileges from user manuel on view kinds: -- REVOKE ALL ON kinds FROM manuel;
The SQL92 syntax for REVOKE has additional capabilities for rescinding privileges, including those on individual columns in tables:
REVOKE { SELECT | DELETE | USAGE | ALL PRIVILEGES } [, ...] ON object FROM { PUBLIC | username [, ...] } { RESTRICT | CASCADE } REVOKE { INSERT | UPDATE | REFERENCES } [, ...] [ ( column [, ...] ) ] ON object FROM { PUBLIC | username [, ...] } { RESTRICT | CASCADE }
Refer to GRANT for details on individual fields.
REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR privilege [, ...] ON object FROM { PUBLIC | username [, ...] } { RESTRICT | CASCADE }
Rescinds authority for a user to grant the specified privilege to others. Refer to the GRANT command for details on individual fields.
The possible objects are:
[ TABLE ] table/view |
CHARACTER SET character-set |
COLLATION collation |
TRANSLATION translation |
DOMAIN domain |
If user1 gives a privilege WITH GRANT OPTION to user2, and user2 gives it to user3 then user1 can revoke this privilege in cascade using the CASCADE keyword.
If user1 gives a privilege WITH GRANT OPTION to user2, and user2 gives it to user3 then if user1 try revoke this privilege it fails if he/she specify the RESTRICT keyword.