
Selected references and readings for SQL and Postgres.

SQL Reference Books

The Practical SQL Handbook , Bowman et al, 1993 , Using Structured Query Language , 3, Judity Bowman, Sandra Emerson, and Marcy Damovsky, 0-201-44787-8, 1996, Addison-Wesley, 1997.

A Guide to the SQL Standard , Date and Darwen, 1997 , A user's guide to the standard database language SQL , 4, C. J. Date and Hugh Darwen, 0-201-96426-0, 1997, Addison-Wesley, 1997.

An Introduction to Database Systems , Date, 1994 , 6, C. J. Date, 1, 1994, Addison-Wesley, 1994.

Understanding the New SQL , Melton and Simon, 1993 , A complete guide, Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon, 1-55860-245-3, 1993, Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.


Accessible reference for SQL features.

Principles of Database and Knowledge : Base Systems , Ullman, 1988 , Jeffrey D. Ullman, 1, Computer Science Press , 1988 .

PostgreSQL-Specific Documentation

The PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide , The Administrator's Guide , Edited by Thomas Lockhart, 1998-10-01, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

The PostgreSQL Developer's Guide , The Developer's Guide , Edited by Thomas Lockhart, 1998-10-01, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

The PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide , The Programmer's Guide , Edited by Thomas Lockhart, 1998-10-01, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

The PostgreSQL Tutorial Introduction , The Tutorial , Edited by Thomas Lockhart, 1998-10-01, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

The PostgreSQL User's Guide , The User's Guide , Edited by Thomas Lockhart, 1998-10-01, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

Enhancement of the ANSI SQL Implementation of PostgreSQL , Simkovics, 1998 , Stefan Simkovics, O.Univ.Prof.Dr.. Georg Gottlob, November 29, 1998, Department of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology .

Discusses SQL history and syntax, and describes the addition of INTERSECT and EXCEPT constructs into Postgres. Prepared as a Master's Thesis with the support of O.Univ.Prof.Dr. Georg Gottlob and Univ.Ass. Mag. Katrin Seyr at Vienna University of Technology.

The Postgres95 User Manual , Yu and Chen, 1995 , A. Yu and J. Chen, The POSTGRES Group , Sept. 5, 1995, University of California, Berkeley CA.

Proceedings and Articles

Partial indexing in POSTGRES: research project , Olson, 1993 , Nels Olson, 1993, UCB Engin T7.49.1993 O676, University of California, Berkeley CA.

A Unified Framework for Version Modeling Using Production Rules in a Database System , Ong and Goh, 1990 , L. Ong and J. Goh, April, 1990, ERL Technical Memorandum M90/33, University of California, Berkeley CA.

The Postgres Data Model , Rowe and Stonebraker, 1987 , L. Rowe and M. Stonebraker, Sept. 1987, VLDB Conference, Brighton, England, 1987.

Generalized partial indexes , , P. Seshadri and A. Swami, March 1995, Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering, 1995, Cat. No.95CH35724, IEEE Computer Society Press.

The Design of Postgres , Stonebraker and Rowe, 1986 , M. Stonebraker and L. Rowe, May 1986, Conference on Management of Data, Washington DC, ACM-SIGMOD, 1986.

The Design of the Postgres Rules System, Stonebraker, Hanson, Hong, 1987 , M. Stonebraker, E. Hanson, and C. H. Hong, Feb. 1987, Conference on Data Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, IEEE, 1987.

The Postgres Storage System , Stonebraker, 1987 , M. Stonebraker, Sept. 1987, VLDB Conference, Brighton, England, 1987.

A Commentary on the Postgres Rules System , Stonebraker et al, 1989, M. Stonebraker, M. Hearst, and S. Potamianos, Sept. 1989, Record 18(3), SIGMOD, 1989.

The case for partial indexes (DBMS) , Stonebraker, M, 1989b, M. Stonebraker, Dec. 1989, Record 18(no.4):4-11, SIGMOD, 1989.

The Implementation of Postgres , Stonebraker, Rowe, Hirohama, 1990 , M. Stonebraker, L. A. Rowe, and M. Hirohama, March 1990, Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2(1), IEEE.

On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Database Systems , Stonebraker et al, ACM, 1990 , M. Stonebraker and et al, June 1990, Conference on Management of Data, ACM-SIGMOD.