Other Properties and Values
Other Properties and Values
Below are other style properties and values not included in the previous sections. (I've included here only properties now supported by Internet Explorer and Netscape -- I'll add others when they are supported)
Commonly Used Properties and Values for Cascading Style Sheets
Table Legend
Supported in Internet Explorer 3.x
Supported in Internet Explorer 4.x
Supported in Netscape 4.x
pt = points
in = inches
cm = centimeters
px = pixels
em = height of element's font
(the em unit is not yet widely supported and should be used with caution)
Other Properties
@import (not inherited)
Imports another style sheet into the present one; must appear before any styles are defined; new properties and values will override those in the imported style sheet
@import: url(url)
@import url(stylesheet2.css)
cursor (inherited)
specifies the appearance of the cursor when placed within the element
auto (default defined by browser/operating system); crosshair; default; hand; move; e-resize; ne-resize; nw-resize; n-resize; se-resize; sw-resize; s-resize; w-resize; text; wait; help
{ cursor: help }