Below is a table of classification style properties and values. (I've included here only properties now supported by Internet Explorer and Netscape -- I'll add others when they are supported)
Classification Properties
display (not inherited)
causes element not to be rendered (no space will be set aside for it on the page)
{ display: none }
list-style-type (inherited)
specifies appearance for list item markers (for use with LI elements)
disk; circle; square; decimal; lower-roman; upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha; none
{ list-style-type: square }
list-style-image (inherited)
specifies an image to be used for list item markers (for use with LI elements)
url(URL); none
{ list-style-image: url(redball.jpg) }
list-style-position (inherited)
specifies the position of list item markers (for use with LI elements)
inside; outside
{ list-style-position: inside }
list-style (inherited)
specifies the position, style, and image URL of list item markers (for use with LI elements)
inside; outside
disk; circle; square; decimal; lower-roman; upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha; none
{ list-style: inside disk url(redball.jpg) }