Below are style properties and values for background images and color. (I've included here only properties now supported by Internet Explorer and Netscape -- I'll add others when they are supported)
Color and Background
color (inherited)
Sets color of text
RGB triplet
hex code
RGB values |
{ color: blue }
{ color: #00F }
{ color: #0000FF }
{ color: RGB 0.0 0.0 1.0 }
background (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Sets background images or colors
url(URL) (with or without repeat);
color-name (or transparent, or two color names, which will be blended, separated by a / );
RGB triplet (hex code)
{ background: url(image1.gif) repeat }
{ background: Red }
{ background: Red / Blue }
{ background: transparent }
{ background: #CCCCCC }
background-color (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Sets background color
RGB triplet (hex code)
{ background-color: Red }
{ background-color: #CCCCCC }
background-image (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Sets background image
{ background-image: url(image1.gif) }
background-repeat (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Sets repetition to tile background images
repeat (horizontally and vertically);
repeat-x (horizontal);
repeat-y (vertical);
{ background-repeat: repeat-y }
background-attachment (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Fixes the background image or allows it to scroll with the page
scroll or fixed
{ background: fixed }
background-position (not inherited) (for IE3.x, background images are supported only in embedded style sheets)
Sets the initial position for background images
(Note that the default position, 0,0 or 0%,0%, is the upper-left corner of the element)
Position (x y) or (x% y%);
top, center, bottom
left, center, right
{ background-position: 2cm 1cm }
{ background-position: 50% 20% }
{ background-position: top center }
{ background-position: top }
{ background-position: bottom right }